Launch of HSC Change Day


Launch of HSC Change Day

10am - 12noon, Thursday 16th October 2014

You are invited to attend the launch of HSC Change Day in N Ireland. Change Day is a social movement designed to facilitate staff, patients and the public to get involved in supporting change for the good in our health and social care systems.

On the day you can hear from Jackie Lynton and Damien Roland from NHS IQ about the birth of NHS Change Day in England and an update on how it is
developing and spreading across the world. You can hear from the core team supporting work in N Ireland, but most importantly you will have an opportunity to explore how you and your organisation can get involved. 

Background information on NHS change day can be seen at The HSC website is coming soon. We look forward to seeing many of you on the 16th October 2014. 

Online booking is not currently available, if you have a query please contact us.