Releasing time to care with Mobile Working


Julia Clarke - Chief Executive, Bristol Community Health

A Transformation of Service Delivery to the Community

What started as a “Mobile Working Project” has seen Bristol Community Health completely transform the way services are delivered to the people of Bristol, benefiting the organisation, its staff, and most importantly, their patients along the way.

Bristol Community Health is a Social Enterprise that provides NHS funded community healthcare across Bristol, delivering over 30 different services. The organisation has about 1,200 staff, over 90% of whom are clinical and of these about 800 are mobile.

They first looked towards adopting a mobile working strategy with Community Nurses in order to help release more time for them to care for patients. Other drivers were also put in place, including improving the quality of data, reducing clinical risk and improving the working lives of staff. This pilot proved so successful it has been extended and rolled out to embrace all services and mobile workers (due for completion by the end of this year). A new hosted platform has been introduced with two-way integration to the EMIS primary care system.

Over the last year healthcare professionals at Bristol Community Health have seen a transformation in the way in which they use and data enabling them to spend 30% more time with patients each day.

Please come along to hear and find out more what made this Project successful and the positive impact it has on staff and patients.

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